College Guidance & Dual Counseling

One of the most important goals of Al-Noor Academy is to prepare students to thrive at the college level. At ANA, there is a two-tiered system of college counseling. First, throughout a student’s 9th and 10th grade years, they meet regularly with the guidance counselor so that they are ready to choose the appropriate dual institution/classes at the end of their 10th grade year. During their 11th and 12th grade years ANA students have participated in dual enrollment programs through the following institutions:

  • Bridgewater State
  • Bunker Hill Community College
  • Harvard Extension School
  • Massasoit Community College
  • Quincy College
  • Quinsigamond Community College
  • Roxbury Community College
  • UMASS Boston

The second tier of counseling at ANA focuses on preparing 11th and 12th graders to apply for full-time college during their senior year. Students and parents typically meet with the guidance counselor in the spring of their junior year to put together a list of potential colleges. Juniors and seniors also have regular one-on-one meetings with the guidance counselor to make sure they are on track in terms of academics and extracurricular. In addition, juniors and seniors meet every other week for a college prep class that focuses on subjects such as: determining the right fit, writing the college essay, finding meaningful internships and community services, writing a resume, making sense of financial aid, and more.

ANA places heavy weight on SAT prep. It doesn’t only counsel the students about the importance of these tests but offers SAT prep classes to go over test strategies, explore question types, and take practice tests to prepare for this crucial standardized test. ANA also offers rigorous college training via Naviance, an online program that allow students to connect their academic achievements with their future goals and prepare at hem as well for their SAT’s.

ANA dean of students meets with the dual students periodically to counsel and monitor their progress in the following criteria:

  • GPA
  • PSAT’s
  • SAT’s
  • Leadership Role
  • Research Work
  • Community Service
  • Sports
  • Extracurricular Activities
  • Recommendation Letters
  • Resume
  • College Essay
  • Internships
  • College Interview

In the past, Al-Noor students have gone on to study at the following institutions:

  • Babson College
  • Boston College
  • Boston University
  • Brandeis University
  • Bridgewater State
  • Bryant University
  • Bunker Hill Community College
  • Community College of Rhode Island
  • Georgia Tech
  • Hampton University
  • Harvard College
  • Mass College of Liberal Arts
  • MCPHS University
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Northeastern University
  • Saint Louis University
  • Suffolk University
  • Tufts University
  • UMass Amherst
  • UMass Boston
  • University of Rhode Island
  • University of Toledo
  • Wellesley College
  • Wentworth Institute of Technology
  • Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Character Building

One of Al-Noor Academy’s unique aspects is the building of Islamic character. However, the character traits common in, and encouraged by, Islam are useful in every aspect of career, social and family life. Such traits as having goals, integrity and honesty, resourcefulness, resilience and mental toughness, self-control and social aptitude and grace are not common in today’s society, and Al-Noor intends to make it our business to explain and demonstrate these traits and more to your sons and daughters through counseling sessions especially when a student is proven to be needing a support as such.