The Board of Trustees
The affairs of Al-Noor Academy are supervised and managed by its Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees (BOT) provides the long-term goals, vision, and objectives of the school. As the school grows and its activities expand the Board of Trustees may appoint a school committee that includes members from the Board of Trustees, individuals from the community with special skills and members representative of parents and staff. ANA’s BOT members include:
President: Dr. Abdulfatah El-Shaar
Treasurer: Dr. Mohamed Khamiees
Members: Dr. Ghazwan Ghazi, Dr. Ahmad Attia
The Sub-Committees
Al-Noor Academy supports specialized sub-committees whose members are from the community and/or the school faculty, to better support activities of the school that enrich our student experience e.g. clubs and after-school sports.
Please contact either of our campuses’ office if you would like a meeting with any of our board of trustees or school committee members.